Posts Tagged ‘bisexual’

CRIST TO MARRY!?!?: Florida’s most powerful bachelor is getting hitched.

Gov. Charlie Crist, single for nearly three decades, on Thursday morning became engaged to his girlfriend of nine months, Carole Rome.

“She’s special in every way. She’s brilliant, beautiful and sweet. I’m very, very lucky,” Crist told the St. Petersburg Times in an exclusive interview.


Thomas Beatie, the transgender man who made headlines as the so-called “pregnant man,” gave birth Sunday to a healthy baby girl, ABC News has learned.


Jesse Helms, the firebrand United States senator whose outspoken, conservative views polarized North Carolina and U.S. voters for decades, died at 1:15 a.m. Friday in Raleigh, according to John Dodd, president of the Jesse Helms Center.


With recent rumors swirling around Beyonce, Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Jack White and Duran Duran, now you can add Annie Lennox to the mix of artists who will potentially lend vocals to the theme of the 22nd and latest James Bond film, “Quantum of Solace.”


Retiring Sen. John Warner (R-VA) has a rather stupid idea to help save costs. By adding another band-aid to our addiction to oil, by creating a national 55mph speed limit, instead of creating real change.

Homophobia irks me. Being gay and being born and raised in the Deep South, there’s a deep divide over how people think, based on what they’re taught, and what they’ve actually experienced. I can assure you my extended family, who despite my pleasure, occasionally use the N-word, and repulse from news about “the gays,” continue to do so because they don’t have friends or acquaintances who are African-American, or who are LGBT, or Jewish… or Muslim… pretty much anything not really shouting out its existence in Dixie… and don’t fundamentally understand why their views are so offensive to me.

Now, I can’t blame my 88 year-old grandmother for her archaic use of language. She’s of a different generation that I am, and all I can do is gently educate her about how the world actually works. There are, in fact, gay people in America, and they tie their shoes just like you do. And that you ABSOLUTELY do not use slurs or slanders, ever. I only this week managed to get her to remove her lawn jockey from her front yard, and that thing has made me queasy since I realized what it stood for. When I was 12.

My uncle, who I wouldn’t give two cents for when it came to voting for a Democrat in the first place, and I’m sure has a USB cord attached from Fox News to his brain, has twice tried to educate me on Barack Obama. That Obama is a Muslim, that he’s a closet terrorist. He’s constantly sending out emails about Barack Obama and his craziness. I’ve just started forwarding him back articles debunking urban legends, or direct material from all kinds of sources. When a cousin asked who I was voting for, I knew where the conversation was leading. I said, “Obama,” and looked upon his astonishment. “Why?” he asked in a condescending way. “Because I believe in the Constitution. Because I believe we need a direct change from the policy of Dubya. Because I don’t promote the politics of hate and exclusion.”

I walked out of the room, not even wanting to engage the idiot in any type of educational exercise, only because I know he is an avid hunter, was wearing camo at the time, and was probably locked and loaded from the oversized gas-guzzling SUV he drove in on… (on Father’s Day. Not gay-chic.) Sure enough, within 10 seconds, I hear n-word this, muslim that.

My point is… desensitize people. I prolly should have had a sit down, and maybe that will come one day. But still, it irks me.

Gay Pride March Takes To The Streets Of Rome

Brno, Czech Republic: At least 20 people were injured when the Czech Republic’s first ever Gay Pride parade was attacked by rightwing extremists armed with tear gas even before the event was due to begin in the city of Brno.

Havana, Cuba: Cuba’s first gay pride parade was abruptly cancelled yesterday, moments before it was to begin.

The unofficial march, organised with Florida’s Unity Coalition, was not sanctioned by Cuba’s National Centre for Sex Education, which is headed by Mariela Castro, the daughter of President Raul Castro.

Huntsville, Alabama: The last Gay Pride event in Huntsville was a picnic in Maple Hill Cemetery 12 years ago that drew 450 people. The most recent one – a rally Saturday afternoon sponsored by the North Alabama Pride Coalition in Big Spring International Park – attracted only a couple of dozen people, no protesters and no television cameras.

Jerusalem, Israel: Despite a backdrop of counterprotests and memories of the violence of years past, rainbow-colored flags and a crowd of a few thousand people made their way through the central streets of Jerusalem on Thursday as the annual Gay Pride Parade went off without a hitch.

Moscow, Russia: Gay Russians waving placards and rainbow flags demonstrated in central Moscow on Sunday in defiance of an official ban on gay pride events and abuse from far-right opponents.

New Dehli, India: Men wore sparkling saris, women wore rainbow boas and hundreds of people chanted for gay rights in three Indian cities Sunday in the largest display of gay pride in the deeply conservative country where homosexual acts are illegal.

San Francisco, California: A lesbian motorcycle group dressed in bridal veils, wedding gowns and leather lent a matrimonial touch to San Francisco’s gay pride parade Sunday as revelers celebrated their newfound freedom to marry.

Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian police arrested 60 people Saturday opposed to Bulgaria’s first gay pride march after they tried to storm the small group of about 100 marchers in the capital Sofia, the interior ministry said.

Science: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) responsible for most of the AIDS cases in the world infected people approximately 100 years ago, more than 20 years earlier than previously believed, according to findings presented here this week at the Evolution 2008 meeting. Its lesser known cousin, HIV-2, jumped into humans decades later, from a monkey species that carried the virus for just a couple of hundred years, not the millions of years researchers had assumed, according to other research presented at the meeting.

Researchers are trying to pin down the origins of both HIVs to understand how often new human viruses emerge. Both arose from simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) of other primates.

PageOneQ: America’s largest LGBT advocacy organization has put its support behind Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) in his run for the presidency as he pledges his support for LGBT citizens.

“The Human Rights Campaign has been at the forefront of the fight for GLBT equality and opportunity, and I am proud to have its endorsement,” Senator Obama said. “Too often, the issue of GLBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. I look forward to working with HRC to end discrimination against GLBT Americans and to ensure that all of our citizens are treated with dignity and respect.”